About Dismodo

Once upon a time, in the most enchanted corner of the internet, Dismodo was born — a satirical salute to the world of theme parks. This isn’t just another blog about princesses and pirates; oh no, Dismodo is the answer to all the glitter and pixie dust that’s been blown into our eyes over the years. Dismodo is dedicated to the ideals, dreams, and the tongue-in-cheek realities that weave the fabric of our beloved theme park culture. All with the hope that our unique spin will not just inspire, but also tickle the funny bones of readers around the world.


“If Dismodo were an attraction, it’d be the teacups – a whirl of laughter, a spin of satire, leaving you wondering if it’s enchantment or just sheer vertigo.”NYTimes

“From scrappy beginnings to setting the gold standard for theme park satire. Dismodo is to theme park blogs what hidden Mickeys are to the parks – ubiquitous, surprising, and oh so delightful.”Wired

“Dismodo is what happens when the Magic Kingdom looks itself in the mirror after a hard day of enchanting… and realizes it has something stuck in its teeth.”The Washington Post

“Arguably more addictive than a churro. Dismodo’s humorous takes are the internet’s sweet treat.”Cosmopolitan

“Offering a refreshing, albeit snarky, retreat into the bowels of theme park culture, Dismodo is the clever antidote to mainstream Disney blogs.” – Newsweek

“Dismodo: where theme park fairytales meet unfiltered, uproarious reality.”The Daily Dot

“Finally, a blog that acknowledges the hilarity of waiting two hours for a three-minute ride.”Parents Magazine

“For daily doses of enchanted laughter, there’s no place like Dismodo.”Slate

“While most blogs paint everything in hues of magic, Dismodo isn’t afraid to show us the paintbrush.”The Chicago Tribune

With its satirical wand, Dismodo continues to sprinkle a different kind of magic. Here, we believe in laughter, often at the expense of the ridiculously wonderful world of theme parks. Come, embark on this roller coaster of humor with us. Just remember, keep your hands, arms, and mouse ears inside the ride vehicle at all times.

For press and general inquiries, email info@dismodo.com.