Disney Forced to Raise Prices Due to Thinking of Bigger Number

In a surprising turn of events, Disney Parks and Resorts has announced a sudden price increase for its park tickets and on-site merchandise. The reason? A member of the pricing department reportedly thought of a bigger number.

Olivia Martinez, a senior pricing strategist at Disney, was in the midst of her daily brainstorming when she stumbled upon a revelation. “I was just doodling on my notepad, jotting down numbers, when suddenly I wrote down a number bigger than what we currently charge,” she explained, her voice filled with awe. “It was bigger. Therefore, it was better.”

Josh D’Amaro, Chairman of Disney Parks, Experiences and Products, justified the price hike by showing a drawing of Mickey Mouse holding up four fingers, followed by a sketch of him holding up eight. “It’s basic math,” D’Amaro explained. “When you think of a bigger number, you just have to act on it. Our team was brainstorming with some fairy dust and, bam, someone shouted a larger number. And well, it felt so magical that we simply couldn’t resist.”

Frequent park-goers seem divided. One local, Ethan Johnson, shared, “I mean, if Disney thinks of a bigger number, who are we to argue? There’s some sort of whimsy in that, right?” Meanwhile, another park enthusiast, Sophia Patel, remarked, “The next time I think of a bigger paycheck, I hope my boss takes a page out of Disney’s book.”

While the future ramifications of this bold pricing model remain to be seen, Disney executives have hinted that should someone think of an even bigger number, they just might consider it.